
-1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id uuid 2147483647 null
payment.registration_id fk_6d28840d833d8f43R
registrations_companions.registration_id fk_13847e7d833d8f43C
stages_registrations.registration_id fk_dcfafc15833d8f43R
user_id uuid 2147483647 null fk_62a8a7a7a76ed395R
event_id uuid 2147483647 null fk_62a8a7a771f7e88bR
status varchar 20 null

Status of this registration (waiting_payment, confirmed, canceled)

price int4 10 null

The total price choose by the user.

created_at timestamp 22 null
confirmed_at timestamp 22 null

Date on which the reservation was confirmed.

needed_bike int4 10 null

How many bikes are needed by participants?

updated_at timestamp 22 NULL::timestamp without time zone
canceled_at timestamp 22 NULL::timestamp without time zone

Date on which the reservation was canceled.

nb_children int4 10 null

How many children are part of this trip?


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
registration_pkey Primary key Asc id
idx_62a8a7a771f7e88b Performance Asc event_id
idx_62a8a7a7a76ed395 Performance Asc user_id
idx_registration_status Performance Asc status
