
-1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id uuid 2147483647 null
event_picture.event_id fk_938ce62671f7e88bR
registration.event_id fk_62a8a7a771f7e88bR
stage.event_id fk_c27c936971f7e88bR
name varchar 255 null
description text 2147483647 null
created_at timestamp 22 null
type varchar 3 null

Type of event (AT, BT, ADT, EB)

slug varchar 128 null
adults_capacity int4 10 null
children_capacity int4 10 null
published_at timestamp 22 null
opening_date_for_bookings timestamp 22 null

At which date members will be able to register to this event?

bikes_available int4 10 null
updated_at timestamp 22 NULL::timestamp without time zone
break_even_price_per_day int4 10 null

The average price per day at which we need to sell tickets in order to break even on this event

uploaded_file_id uuid 2147483647 null
uploaded_image.id fk_3bae0aa7276973a0R
paheko_project_id varchar 255 NULL::character varying

ID of the Paheko project to which all transactions will ba attached.

minimum_price_per_day int4 10 null

The minimum price per day

support_price_per_day int4 10 null

The suggested support price per day for this event

days_at_solidarity_price int4 10 null

The maximum number of days at the solidarity price.

first_meal_of_first_day varchar 10 null
last_meal_of_last_day varchar 10 null
exchange_market_link varchar 255 NULL::character varying


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
event_pkey Primary key Asc id
idx_event_slug Performance Asc slug
uniq_3bae0aa7276973a0 Must be unique Asc uploaded_file_id
uniq_3bae0aa7989d9b62 Must be unique Asc slug
