
-1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id uuid 2147483647 null
membership.companion_id fk_86ffd2858227e3fdR
registrations_companions.companion_id fk_13847e7d8227e3fdC
user_id uuid 2147483647 null fk_1bad2e69a76ed395R
first_name varchar 255 null
last_name varchar 255 null
birth_date date 13 null
email varchar 180 NULL::character varying
phone_number varchar 35 NULL::character varying
diet varchar 255 null

Diet of the user (omnivore, vegetarien, vegan)

gluten_intolerant bool 1 false
lactose_intolerant bool 1 false
diet_details varchar 255 NULL::character varying

Free field to provide more information about user diet.

created_at timestamp 22 null
updated_at timestamp 22 NULL::timestamp without time zone


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
companion_pkey Primary key Asc id
idx_1bad2e69a76ed395 Performance Asc user_id
